Life, Relationship, Society

Zen meditation and Japanese ink painting

07.07.2025, 11:30 am to 11.07.2025, 1:30 pm
Holde Wössner (art teacher and Zen teacher of the Zen line «Empty Cloud»  )
Propstei Wislikofen
CHF 380.- plus board CHF 575.- single room/board plus visitor’s tax CHF 3.- per person and night

Holde Wössner


Sitting in silence is an integral part of all Japanese paths. From this stillness, we immerse ourselves in the spirit of Japanese ink painting. By practicing without intention on bamboo, grasses or flowers, we become aware of the various techniques and possibilities. The Japanese three-line poems (haiku) are a source of inspiration. We freely translate texts into painting or create our own. Through conversation, our actions and the explanation of the background of Eastern and Western art, we deepen the process.

You will learn
– to relax and harmonize through exercises
– to find your own center through meditation
– to develop creative skills through painting

Please bring along
– ink in a jar or ink stone and ink for rubbing
– 1 plate for mixing
– black felt pad (A3) or old cloth
– brushes and paper (can also be purchased during the course)
– water glass and painting cloth
– comfortable clothing for exercises


Course registration