Mindfulness and meditation

The path of silence

16.05.2025, 18:00 to 18.05.2025, 13:30
Charlie Wenk-Schlegel (theologian)
Margrit Wenk-Schlegel (contemplation teacher, curative educator and therapist)
Propstei Wislikofen
120.- CHF plus board 270.- CHF single room/board or 240.- CHF double room/board per person plus 3.- CHF visitor’s tax per person and night

Charlie Wenk-Schlegel

Margrit Wenk-Schlegel


These days are aimed at people of all ages who are looking to deepen their lives. Silent meditation allows you to experience the fullness of the moment and opens your heart and consciousness. We practise sitting in mindfulness, being present in the present moment with the clear determination to let our breath lead us to our center. In this way, we taste life intensely and find our way home to our true nature, to who we are before all preconceptions and imprints.

In the contemplation via integralis, we practise zazen, the silent meditation of zen, this sitting in clarity and determination. The lectures include topics from Christian mysticism and the Buddhist tradition.

The path of experience into the depths helps
– Be present and powerfully centered at .
– Learn mindfulness and practice it at .
– Develop creative abilities.
– Find new perspectives in life and see challenges in a new light .

These days are aimed at experienced meditators and those new to meditation. For experienced meditators there are voluntary sessions Zazen.

Introduction to the rituals of contemplation, introduction and practice of zazen (silent meditation), walking meditation, lecture, accompanying discussion, service.

Entire course in silence. Please wear comfortable, dark (black if available), non-rustling clothing.

It is possible to attend the individual day of contemplation on May 19 “Meditating for Peace” with optional evening and morning meditation.


Course registration