Silence in Advent
04.12.2025, 18:00 to 07.12.2025, 13:30
Margrit Wenk-Schlegel (contemplation teacher, curative educator and therapist)
Charlie Wenk-Schlegel (theologian)
Propstei Wislikofen
160.- plus board 405.- single room/board or 360.- double room/board plus 3.- CHF visitor’s tax per person and night

Margrit Wenk-Schlegel

Charlie Wenk-Schlegel
During the busy Advent season, the contemplation days invite you to become still and find yourself. It is about the deeply personal path into the depths of humanity.
Contemplation via integralis paves the way for this. It is a combination of Christian mysticism and Zen. Both traditions are about radically letting go of images and ideas and practising inner concentration. A clear posture, mindfulness of the breath and determination help us to come into pure presence.
In the daily lecture, the paths of experience from Christian mysticism and the center tradition are illuminated. From this we draw inspiration for our own, deeply personal path into the depths of humanity.
For the immersion days, it is advantageous to have attended an introduction to contemplation or Zen. If you have not, please contact Margrit Wenk-Schlegel in advance (071 288 65 88).
Entire course in silence. Please wear comfortable, dark (black if available), non-rustling clothing.
This course will be followed by a single day of contemplation on December 8 with voluntary evening, night and morning meditation. /