Mindfulness and meditation

Silence – Contemplation weekend via integralis

10.10.2025, 18:00 to 12.10.2025, 13:30
Regula Tanner (Ref. Theologin VDM, Kontemplationslehrerin vi, Mitglied Katharina-Werk Basel)
Propstei Wislikofen
180.- CHF plus board 270.- CHF single room/board or 240.- CHF double room/board per person plus visitor’s tax CHF 3.- per person and night.

Regula Tanner


Contemplation is an approach to the deep, all-encompassing silence. «Silence has everything in itself, it waits for nothing, it is always completely there and always completely fills the space where it appears.» Max Picard’s texts inspire us to explore silence and stillness ever more deeply and to allow it to become ever more still in myself and in the world. Deep silence is a sacred, fleeting moment that cannot be captured, but nevertheless changes life.

5-6 hours of sitting in silence, meditative walking, rituals of the via integralis, individual discussions, keynote speeches, worship, continuous silence.

For Hildegard Schmittfull’s students there is the possibility of individual discussions.
Please wear comfortable (street) clothes in muted colors.


Course registration