Life, Relationship, Society

Paarlife® – Workshop

13.09.2025, 16:30 to 14.09.2025, 17:00
Peter Michalik (religious educator, family, couple and marriage counselor IKP)
Propstei Wislikofen
590.- CHF per couple including double room/board and the book “Was Paare stark macht” plus visitor’s tax 3.- CHF per person and night

Peter Michalik


A happy partnership depends above all on the commitment of both partners. From the willingness to get involved in the relationship and invest in it.
You will receive scientifically supported impulses on the topics of love, closeness/connectedness, commitment and sexuality. In a pleasant and discreet atmosphere, you will explore what strengthens your relationship.
Short keynote speeches will encourage you to discuss your everyday relationship with your partner.
The course weekend includes an overnight stay in a double room, a festive 4 course dinner on Saturday evening, breakfast and lunch on Sunday.

The program is as follows:
Arrival at the Propstei in Wislikofen, check-in and room occupancy
16.30 – 19:00 Welcome and start of course 1. Block
From 19:00 Festive 4 course dinner

07:30 – 09:30 Breakfast & Check-Out (luggage can be left at the hotel)
10:00 – 12:30 Course 2. Block
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 16:30 Course 3. Block
16:30 – 16:45 Closing and farewell


Course registration