Is that really Santa Claus ?
The tradition of Santa Claus in Switzerland is characterized by its great diversity and vitality. Many men and women invest their creativity and commitment every year.
Santa Claus coaching strengthens your performance as Santa Claus. It clarifies the question, what makes my role as Santa Claus special? How do I come across to the children? How do I want to appear? What roles will I be assigned by parents, kindergarten or school? What is expected of me in my role? Do I want to live up to them? Where do I say Stop!
Under the keywords «Pleiten, Pech und Pannen» we have a humorous exchange about the unforeseen and the half-successful. We discuss what is needed to make the visit a success. There is an opportunity to prepare your own family visit and various «Santa Claus events» and to benefit from the experiences of others.
For the Chlausen season to be a success, a lot of work is needed in the background. This is also looked at in detail.
Using coaching and organizational consulting tools, the day aims to prepare for a successful 2025 season.