I hear, I see, I feel
03.11.2025, 09:30 to 06.11.2025, 15:30
Dr. Nicolaas Derksen (pastoral theologian, pastoral supervisor)
Dr. theol. Claudia Mennen (Head of the Wislikofer School for Bibliodrama and Pastoral Care)
Propstei Wislikofen
550.- CHF plus board 440.- CHF single room/board plus visitor’s tax 3.- CHF per person and night

Dr. Nicolaas Derksen

Dr. theol. Claudia Mennen
The bibliodrama model of the Wislikofer School for Bibliodrama and Pastoral Care sees itself as an instrument of pastoral care. The biblical texts play a prominent role in it. They are the experiential space in which pastors and pastoral workers meet.
The so-called “Eucharistic Basic Law” is important in the church. It reads: Only what is put on the table can be transformed. In terms of pastoral care, this means that only what is revealed and spoken about can mature, heal and grow.
Every pastoral care conversation is about expressing and holding one’s own perception in an appreciative manner. This attitude brings you into contact with yourself and at the same time sets you in motion.
– Getting to know bibliodrama as a pastoral care tool
– Making the biblical text fruitful as a representation of God and as a frame of reference for pastoral care.
– Practicing a helpful accompanying attitude
– Training one’s own emotional and spiritual presence
– Finding suitable formulations and words for one’s own perception
Target group
People who work full-time or part-time in pastoral care, catechesis and/or church youth work .