Mindfulness and meditation

Dancing the Christmas Oratorio by J.S. Bach.

29.11.2025, 10:30 am to 30.11.2025, 4:00 pm
Wilma Vesseur (dancer, dance teacher)
Propstei Wislikofen
240.- CHF plus board 170.- CHF single room/board plus visitor’s tax 3.- CHF per person and night

Wilma Vesseur


Open yourself up to the Christmas mystery by dancing. Be inspired by the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. Let yourself fall into the choreography of the dances. Let your own movements come.

Listen to the mysterious world of Bach’s symbolism and his pictorial language of sound. Let yourself be moved and be moved.

Wilma Vesseur’s dance forms to J.S. Bach’s Christmas Oratorio have opened up a whole new approach to this music. For many people in Europe, it has become a valuable ritual at Christmas time to feel the Christmas mystery through the music with the body and in the heart.

Over the last 20 years, Wilma Vesseur has continued to develop the danced Christmas oratorio. She conveys her self-choreographed, intimate and expressive circle dances with playful, thematic, musical and dance impulses.
You are invited to listen subtly to the music and to shape the dance according to your own interpretation.

The dances are simple, and free dancing is encouraged to some pieces of music. Careful introduction ensures that everyone, with or without dance experience, is welcome .

More about Wilma Vesseur: www.subsTanz.ch


Course registration