Consciousness in my hands
25.04.2025, 18:00 to 26.04.2025, 17:00
Uta Marie Reinbach (founder and director of the training institute «Consciousness in my hands»)
Claudia Nothelfer (theologian, contemplation teacher and spiritual healing work)
Propstei Wislikofen
225.- CHF plus pension 135.- CHF single room/board plus 3.- CHF visitor’s tax per night

Uta Marie Rei

Claudia Nothelfer
We humans consist of a physical and a subtle body. Illnesses, including mental illnesses, are visible and perceptible to clairvoyant people both in the energy body and in the physical body. Relief and healing occur through processes of awareness that heal our wounds and strengthen our self-esteem. Holistic healing also takes place through the instrument of light healing as taught by Uta Marie Reinbach .
The evening before, Uta Marie Reinbach will conduct a channeling for the participants. On Saturday, she will provide insights into her method of healing, which brings together, cleanses and harmonizes the physical body and the subtle energy field in a special way. She shares her extensive knowledge of chakras and their influence on our physical body in an easily understandable way.
The sessions with her fill participants with more energy, an expanded energy field and a good sense of how we are all infused with pure energy .
The introduction to her healing work creates a basis that can be used immediately at home .
Please bring:
Comfortable clothing, warm socks, writing utensils and, if possible, a treatment table.
Personal details:
Uta Marie Reinbach, certified healer, graduated from the Barbara Brennan School of Healing Science USA; Personal Body and Breath Therapy with Karlfried Graf Dürckheim, Black Forest; Core Development and SE Trauma Therapy (Peter Levine), Switzerland.
If a reduction in course costs is required, please contact Claudia Nothelfer.
A certificate of attendance will be issued on request.