Pilgrimage and travel

Passion, suffering and passion

05.04.2025, 10:30 am to 06.04.2025, 4:00 pm
Wilma Vesseur (dancer, dance teacher)
Propstei Wislikofen
240.- CHF plus board 170.- CHF single room/board plus visitor’s tax 3.- CHF per night

Wilma Vesseur


The music that inspires our dancing these days is characterized by passion, suffering and passion. We are accompanied by compositions from the Passion music of J.S. Bach and his Mass in B minor, various Stabat Mater pieces as well as new music and world music.

There will be choreographic instructions and dance scores that invite improvisation and personal interpretation. Wilma’s somatic approach is an invitation to rediscover and return to the intelligence inherent in all cells of the body. The bones are played with in such a way that we can let go of unnecessary tension and find a new, inner alignment that is subtle and light.
In the middle is the dancing heart, the center of blood circulation. The venous currents move us in lemniscates, in figure eights, like the movement of waves. The pulse in the red arterial blood fires us .
The heart receives and gives, feels, is stubborn and dances with what is. We dance with passion and in «Compassion».

Dances, impulses for free movement and dance meditation alternate. Wilma’s careful introduction ensures that everyone, with or without dance experience, is welcome .

Wilma Vesseur (NL / CH) is a freelance dancer, performer and dance teacher.
Studies in New Dance (Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Amsterdam), Theology (VU, Amsterdam) and training in Meditation of Dance (with Friedel Kloke-Eibl) and Body-Mind Centering® (Practitioner/Teacher) (Amsterdam and USA) laid the foundation for her work. Further training at various body and meditation schools, in Authentic Movement, in Butoh also inspire her dance.
Wilma runs the “SubsTanz-Atelier für Kontemplativen Tanz” in Trogen. She performs, develops dance trainings (Tanz der Gegenwart and Moving BeYond) and creates artistic projects (Invisible Performances) in various countries in Europe and the USA. (www.wilmavesseur.com).


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