Personal development and quality of life

Stop, where are you going ?

16.03.2025, 18:00 to 21.03.2025, 13:00
Margrit Wenk-Schlegel (contemplation teacher, curative educator and therapist)
Charlie Wenk-Schlegel (theologian)
Propstei Wislikofen
310.- CHF plus board 675.- CHF single room/board or 600.- CHF double room/board per person plus 3.- CHF visitor’s tax per person and night

Margrit Wenk-Schlegel

Charlie Wenk-Schlegel


The deep experience of Angelus Silesius guides us on the path of self-encounter in silence. Being present in the present moment. The radical letting go of all images and ideas in the practice of silent meditation allows us to come into ever deeper contact with what we are searching for in the depths and .

The lectures include impulses from Christian mysticism and inspiration and instructions from Zen. Aspects such as shadow encounters, projections and their withdrawal, inner peace work and world issues are also addressed. The focus is on the very personal path of awakening and the effects of this in everyday life.

Contemplation via integralis is a combination of Christian mysticism and Zen.

Daily course elements:
11 x 25 minutes zazen, walking meditation, talk, accompanying discussion, mindfulness work, service.
Entire course in silence. Please wear comfortable, dark (black if available), non-rustling clothing.

Introduction to contemplation or Zen. If you do not have this requirement and would still like to take part in the contemplation week, please contact Margrit Wenk-Schlegel in advance (071 288 65 88 or /


Course registration