Life, Relationship, Society

Where love rejoices, there is a feast – marriage preparation

15.03.2025, 09:30 to 15.03.2025, 16:30
Peter Michalik (religious educator, family, couple and marriage counselor IKP)
Propstei Wislikofen
120.- CHF per couple including lunch and coffee breaks

Peter Michalik


You are looking forward to your wedding. The day you get married should be an unforgettable day. You are probably already in the middle of the preparations. You are invited to take time with your partner to talk about your partnership, your love and the church wedding.

This day is about 
– what connects you as a couple.
– where your strengths lie and how you can support each other.
– your wedding vows.
– why blessing is a power .
– impulses for designing your personal wedding service.
– how weaknesses become strengths.
– how to model your relationship according to your own standard.

Give yourself the gift of this day together before your wedding.

Please also state the surname and first name of your partner under “Comments” when registering.


Course registration