Life, Relationship, Society

Time again for us

08.03.2025, 16:30 to 09.03.2025, 16:30
Peter Michalik (religious educator, family, couple and marriage counselor IKP)
Propstei Wislikofen
450.- CHF per couple including double room/board plus 3.- CHF visitor’s tax per person 

Peter Michalik


A happy relationship is not a matter of luck, but a task, a gift and a challenge. Both can do something for happiness in love .
Everyday stress and ingrained habits call for healing interruptions, for times to pause and catch your breath. Such interruptions are very important for partnerships, marriages and families. Especially if you have been in a relationship with each other for a long time on the path .

A weekend for your couple relationship with impulses, ideas and new solutions. Allow yourself to be invited and find new opportunities for encounters and inspiration for your shared path.

This course is for couples who want to use the challenges of their relationship as an opportunity to develop more quality in their relationship.

On this weekend you will learn anew
– What connects you as a couple.
– Where your strengths lie; how you can support each other
– How crises become opportunities and weaknesses become strengths.
– How you can develop more mindfulness for yourself and for each other.
– How important wishes are and how important it is to express them.
– How you can perceive and contribute your own needs.

Treat yourself to a weekend in the beautiful ambience of the Propstei Wislikofen, which you can enjoy as a couple and from which you are guaranteed to benefit.

All couples are welcome!


Course registration