Pilgrimage and travel

Mature Love

10.04.2025, 18:00 to 13.04.2025, 15:30
Eveline Felder (Contemplation teacher via integralis)
Silvia Spycher (Contemplation teacher via integralis)
Propstei Wislikofen
170.- CHF plus board 405.- CHF single room/board or 360.- CHF double room/board per person plus 3.- CHF visitor’s tax per person and night

Eveline Felder

Silvia Spycher


… mature love …. that you have …. that you are !

In silence, we open ourselves to this being, giving it space.
How healing for you and the world where you succeed in living this mature love at .

You can also experience it in unintentional stillness – it can fill you and flow through you into the world.

Working method
Sitting for 6 hours a day, with meditative walking in between.
Accompanying talks, physical exercises, impulses, celebration on Sunday.

The whole weekend takes place in silence. Please wear comfortable clothes in dark colors.

Please register early, as the number of places is limited.


Course registration