Bread that nourishes hope
After the sharing of the word, the sharing of bread is the second central part of the worship service. The risen Christ is present among us in the shared bread. And with it everything that characterized his life and his proclamation: the love for every person, the crossing of narrow boundaries, the overcoming of death. This bread strengthens faith and nourishes hope. It gives us the strength to live and act as followers of Jesus. When we take communion, we bear witness to this faith .
The course day introduces you to this important and beautiful liturgical service.
– You will learn about biblical bread stories
– You will reflect on the theological significance of the communion service
– You will receive answers to your questions about the service
– You will be given space for your questions about the liturgy
Working method
Alternation of impulses, small group work, exchange rounds and practical exercises.
You have been asked to serve as a communion minister.
For the assignment we need your private address with details of your parish affiliation, please take this into account when registering.
As a rule, the parish covers the course costs. Early registration is recommended.