
The treasure in the field

05.09.2025, 14:00 to 05.09.2025, 19:00
Dr. Nicolaas Derksen (pastoral theologian, pastoral supervisor)
Propstei Wislikofen
110.- CHF including dinner

Dr. Nicolaas Derksen


Biblical stories are not easy to understand. They are like a treasure in the field that wants to be dug up. They are sometimes unwieldy and also annoying. They raise questions. In a group, it is easier to elicit the hidden meaning of the biblical texts. To experience them in their spiritual depth and to make them fruitful as spiritual nourishment for your own life.

On this day, we use bibliodramatic steps to approach the healing and challenging core of a biblical story. We discover what the story wants to tell me. What I am invited to do .

The Wislikofer School for Bibliodrama and Pastoral Care understands the biblical texts as spaces of experience.
In order for us to enter such a space of experience, the text of a biblical story with its stages is placed in the room. The story is only a space that I can enter. By taking on a role, the participants find answers to the questions: Who am I in this story? Where does my longing take me? What attitude, what step am I being invited to take?


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