Vitality for the year – THANKFULNESS
«It is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratitude that makes us happy »
David Steindl-Rast
Whatever comes into our lives, beautiful or painful, the gift of gratitude is crucial to how we feel and process it. Gratitude gives rise to the ability to discover, moment by moment, the small happiness that is available now .
Gratitude is not only a gift, it is also an attitude: we can be or become people who consciously live gratefully. Life itself is a gift and within our lifetime there are countless moments of happiness, when we see them we can respond with gratitude.
Living in the “now moment” is probably the prerequisite for a life of gratitude. Because in the now, there is no before or after that brings fear or worry.
The summer contemplation day is an invitation to be present in the present moment, to gratefully enjoy the gathering in the breath, to invite joy. What happiness it is to live as grateful people at !
Meditation day in sitting and silence with meditative impulses in nature, impulse lecture and ritual on the life force of gratitude.
Please wear comfortable clothing in muted colors and shoes for outdoors. If you have any physical limitations, we will be happy to accommodate your needs. Please attach in advance.
Another course day of the trilogy:
November 22, 2025 – Vitality for the year – LOVE