Mindfulness and meditation

Meditating for peace

19.05.2025, 09:00 to 19.05.2025, 16:30
Charlie Wenk-Schlegel (theologian)
Margrit Wenk-Schlegel (contemplation teacher, curative educator and therapist)
Propstei Wislikofen
90.- CHF including lunch

Charlie Wenk-Schlegel

Margrit Wenk-Schlegel


“Peace in the world begins in your heart” Thich Nhat Hanh

These contemplation days are part of the long-standing project of contemplation via integralis “Meditating for peace”.
What comes into peace within us has the seed power to develop and strengthen peace outside of us too. By accepting ourselves as we are, we nourish the morphogenetic field of peace. We sit in silence for certain concerns in the world.

Silent meditation, lecture, opportunity for individual discussion.

You must have attended an introductory course or longer sessions in Zen or contemplation. If you do not meet these requirements and would still like to participate, please contact Margrit Wenk-Schlegel in advance (Tel. 071 288 65 88).

It is always possible to arrive the evening before and take part in contemplation from 7.30 to 8.30 p.m., stay overnight in the house and start the morning with contemplation and breakfast in silence. If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please let us know when you register.

Entire course in silence. Please wear comfortable, dark clothing (black if available) that does not rustle.


Course registration